Hasnaa | Our Work
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In a dental check-up camp, a  25 years old man came forward with a case that on the first diagnosis looked like  a tissue overgrowth. The patient was having difficulty in his day to day activities due to it. The patient confessed to us about his habit of tobacco and alcohol consumption. With the available resources and the doctors, the team of Hasnaa managed to conduct a small on the spot surgery to successfully remove the overgrown tissue. Cases like these are very common in villages where they are usually neglected and sometimes referred to as birth or genetic abnormalities. With Dental Check-Up Camps like this Hasnaa keeps its promise to render Dental Services/ Expertise to Rural Population and to Underprivileged Children across India.


We encountered a strange case of Pyrogenic Granulated Tissue during a normal walk-in check-up camps in one of the villages which were the result of a tooth extraction that was performed by an unregistered Dental Practitioner in the village.  The on-ground team from Hasnaa did further tests and investigations to confirm that the cause of the unusual condition and assured the patient of full recovery after the surgery. The surgery was a success and the biopsy of the removed tissue confirmed that the patient had Pyrogenic Granulated Tissue. In most parts of rural India, the unavailability of registered practitioners leaves the villagers in the hands of immature or fake practitioners. HASNAA works for the welfare of rural population by providing them with Dental Care awareness and affordable Dental Treatments.


In a dental check-up camp in Gram Chitarpurava, Kannauj, a 30 years old farmer came forward with a complaint of ulcers inside his mouth which weren’t healing. The patient was apprehensive of Oral Cancer.  After further checkup and examination, the specialists from Hasnaa confirmed that it was a Traumatic Ulcer which was caused due to cheek biting.  A basic surgical excision was performed and the patient was back to normal.  With Dental Check-Up Camps like this Hasnaa keeps its promise to render Dental Services/ Expertise to Rural Population and to Underprivileged Children across India.



A Free Dental Awareness Camp was organized in Madarsa, where the children were given demonstrations on the techniques of Tooth Brushing, Mouth Rinse etc. The people living in rural areas often lack in basic amenities and are more prone to diseases that happen due to lack of hygiene and nutrition. In a place like this, it is important to make people understand the importance Hygiene has on the over all development of a person. Along with Oral Hygiene, the children were also made aware about the ill effects of tobacco and other unhealthy products. With Dental Awareness Camps like this Hasnaa keeps its promise to render Dental Services/ Expertise to Rural Population and to Underprivileged Children across India.


Hasnaa with its mission to introduce “Self-Sustained Affordable Oral Healthcare System” in India, organised a free Dental Awarness Camp. Children from the Gov. School of the village witnessed demonstrations such as  Tooth Brushing, Oral Rinse etc. and were made aware about the importance of Oral Hygiene. The students were asked to spread awareness about Oral Hygiene and Care amongst their friends and were also asked to confront their parents regarding the ill effects of Tobacco consumption.  


Hasnaa organised a Free Dental Awareness and Advisory camp in village Chitarpurava where the villagers got Free Dental Check-Up and advice from Dr. Sumit Dubey. The camp was organised as a part of Hasnaa’s mission to introduce “Self-Sustained Affordable Oral Healthcare System” in India. The villagers came in great numbers to participate in the camp and received necessary treatment as well as advice for their Dental Problems. The villagers were made aware of the issue of early detection of Caries, awareness about hazards of oral cancer and the ill effects of Tobacco consumption. Since most of the village’s adult population is addicted to some form of tobacco, it was necessary to make them aware of their current lifestyle and the problems they might get in near future.