Hasnaa | Get Involved
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Your hard earned money is put to work immediately to the real world to strengthenĀ the oral hygiene of the rural population by setting up free Dental Clinics and other health initiatives. When you make a donation, you can rest assured that your contribution is constantly working to serve destitute of the society. With your help, we have already changed the lives of thousands of rural Indians suffering from Oral Conditions. Through your donations, you can also avail tax deductions under 80G of the Income Tax. We will also send you a year-end summary report with a detailed report of the beneficiary and fund utilization.
No Amount is too small. Every Donation small or big can help us save a life. Spread smilesā€¦ save lives.


HASNAA has been working for the welfare of rural population by providing them with Dental Care awareness and affordable Dental Treatments. An inevitable contribution to this cause comes from the persistent efforts of the HASNAA volunteers. These self-motivated individuals understand the need to get involved with our cause and contribute towards the betterment of the people. HASNAA offers a diverse range of volunteering opportunities through which you can not only help in the welfare of the rural population but can also undergo a transformational journey for yourself.


HASNAA strives to create a positive and self motivated awakening drive in Oral Healthcare providing dental expertise to rural population and underprivileged children all across India. It is our ambition to spread smiles everywhere and you can help us achieve this goal.

Use this form to help us identify a village or a small town where you think HASNAA can bring smiles.