Hasnaa | About Us
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In a country of 1.3 billion people, where more than 90% of healthcare facilities existing are concentrated in urban areas, HASNAA , an independent organization is educating and spreading awareness about Oral Hygiene in rural villages of India. HASNAA strives to create a positive and self-motivated awakening drive in Oral Healthcare providing dental expertise to the rural population and underprivileged children across India. HASNAA works for the welfare of rural population by providing them with Dental Care awareness and affordable Dental Treatments. Currently, we are working in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu & Kashmir with future plans to cover the whole of India.


We strive to create a positive self-motivated awakening drive in oral health care providers (Dental Surgeons) to render their services in rural population underprivileged children across India. We educate the villagers to help and support the community in the best possible way. A way in which we do it is spreading the word-of-mouth thus increasing the chances of convincing friends and relatives to stop intake of tobacco/smoking and maintain oral hygiene.

We generate realistic creative ideas and oral health care delivery plans with help of the villagers. We take their consent and assurance and then start our program. We spread awareness about basic prophylactic, preventive oral dental care through our awareness camps, Quit Tobacco drives, lectures and talks on oral hygiene and oral cancer at gram sabha meetings. All of this is delivered to the rural population free of cost and in their villages.

  • We set up a volunteer-driven “KULLA TEAM” for each village.
  • Dental Registration – case history of each villager is noted by Dentist and volunteer generation under the supervision of Pradhan / Sarpanch and elderly member of the same village.
  • Three dental check-up / oral cancer awareness / oral hygiene workshop/camp is conducted before establishing a primary dental care centre in nearby town having a full-time dentist and or dental hygienist.
  • According to the dental registration forms they are then given appointment for there treatment.

Dental Camps

HASNAA organizes dental camps in far-flung rural areas and urban slums to cater to Oral Healthcare needs of the rural and poor population. These camps aim at spreading awareness about oral health issues and the devastating effects of tobacco and the causes and preventions of oral cancer.

Mobile Dental Camps

We have designed special programs to operationalize and manage mobile dental units in remote areas where access to oral health care services are not present. A team of specialists along with local volunteers is deployed to several such mobile dental units across various states in India.

Oral Hygiene Check-ups

HASNAA organizes dental check-up camps in all the rural areas and urban slums where awareness camps are held to provide the people with dental treatments without any pre-established medial charges. They are free to pay whatever they can and sometimes it becomes a barter deal as well.


We at HASNAA are dedicated to spreading awareness about Oral Health and Hygiene among the rural masses.

Dr. Sumit Dubey


Ms. Paravti Tampi

Communication Program Analyst

Dr. S.C. Dubey

Ex-Deputy Chief Medical Officer (CMO)

Government of Uttar Pradesh